Message to the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood

 Dear Dr. Mohamed Badie - General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood

 Greetings to you good Sir,

 I was one of the most welcoming to the results of the last parliamentary elections and the sweeping success of the "Freedom and Justice Party" from the pretext that these elections were based on the principles and rules that we have all agreed on. Then the results came out to reflect the will of the people who, for the first time, were able to choose their deputies and representatives in the parliament with both its chambers (People's Assembly & Shura Council). I was so happy like other Egyptians even thought I was a competitor to one of your respected party deputies. After these elections we all felt that we were approaching a new phase during which we'll be achieving all our dreams and aspirations for all the Egyptians who thirst for a better life. We did this without any questioning, distrusting your intentions or undervaluing your actions.

 As many other people did, I dealt with this reality in all due respect and love for everyone keeping an open mind that does not want anything but revival, prosperity and goodness for Egypt. From your side you pledged not to present any presidential candidates to run for the coming elections. We all duly respected and praised your decision as a kind of reassurance at home and abroad, at a time when our Egypt mostly needs our diligence, effort and placing national interest above any other interests. Then the days went by and the constitution's constituent assembly started exercising its functions amidst many angry reactions raised around it. All of us; parties, political powers and SCAF were doing our best to contain the crisis and convey our homeland to safety. But I was surprised like many others, when you announced nominating Engineer/ Khayrat El-Shater for the upcoming presidency elections.

 Please allow me, dear Sir, to talk with an open heart without any offenses or transgression because this is not in my manners or in my upbringing, and the time for shouting or doubting has since long gone by. Your eminence, we are all aftercalm andstability in view ofthis criticalmomentthrough which the country is going. I think that nominating Engineer El-Shaterwilllead to an unfavorablepolitical environmentthatEgypt cannot cope with rightnow. This is really the last thing we need now no matter what your causesorjustifications.I think that with your experience and political shrewdness you can easily containthe crisis andcalm the situation especially thatwithin the ranks ofthe MB andits leadersand the youththere are those who havereservationandobjections on thedecision of presentingan MB presidentialcandidate. Out of my concern for Egypt and the success of its efforts towards democratization for the first time after suffering for decades from an authoritarian rule that led to a revolution carried out by the masses, and with our full recognition that the issue of nominating or not nominating is your full right, I request you now to reconsider and study carefully and wisely this decision, as we have always known you to do.

 There is no harm in returning to what is right, for returning to the right is indeed a virtue. Your eminence, everybody in Egypt and outside of it are waiting for you to take a decision that will be recorded by history, in order to preserve the future of the nation whatever the justifications and reasons. It is true you are a majority that is respected and appreciated but at the end of the day we're talking about a whole mother-ship and the hopes of a people and a national responsibility that you must be up to. I am confident that you will only do what is in the interests of Egypt and its people.

 Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat


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