الأحد، مارس 18، 2012

The Reform and Development Party mourns the Egyptians for the death ofPope Shenouda

With great sadness and deep sorrow the Reform and Development Party mourns the death of Pope Shenouda III, the Pope of Alexandria and thePatriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate expressing their sincere condolences to theCopts inside and outside of Egypt and stressing that the party shares theEgyptian Church in this great calamity that has indeed afflicted the whole Egyptian nation and not just the church.

For his part, MP Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat, president of the party, said that the party mourns for all the Egyptians a symbol and a figure of national and spiritualgreatness, as well as an example of love and tolerance. He was a wise man,loyal to Egypt, and he lived his whole life keen on maintaining the fabric of a single nation and stifling any strife in order to support the bonds of national unity. The great services he provided for his country guarantee for him an unforgettable spot in history. His death was by all means a tragedy for all the people of Egypt; Muslims and Christians alike. 

We ask God to grant all his lovers patience and fortitude.


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