The Reform & Development Party participating with the people in the "day of rage" outbreak

Anwar Esmat El-Sadat, representative of the founders of the Reform & Development Party, expressed his great pleasure with the public outbreak of the "day of rage" that took place on Tuesday.

 He commended the participation of the youth from his party in the governorates of Cairo, Alexandria, Menofeya, Suez and other governorates despite the fact that they were all subjected to the attacks and harassments of the national security forces.

He further expressed his full collaboration with the masses, wishing that they get fruitful results for their endeavors and their sincere hopes for a real reformation that would sweep the stagnation of corruption and chaos that no one is able to tolerate any longer. He sends his sincere condolences to the families of all those who died in the demonstrations, wishing them solace and comfort.

El-Sadat further notes that his party will provide several services through the support unit that is headed by Mr. Samy Abu-Zeid (Secretary-General of the Party) and is made up of a group of lawyers, physicians and selective women. This unit is meant to provide material support and to fulfill the various needs of the members such as; blankets, food... etc. The unit is also fully prepared to deal with any problem they might face during the protest using the various communication tools/methods that they agreed upon together.

Anwar Esmat El-Sadat
Representative of the founders of
 the Reform & Development Party


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