Sick Media (formerly National Media)

Despite the appearance of independent newspapers and satellite channels, which have expressed the genuine concerns of Egyptian citizens, far from the flushing picture which the national media had adopted over the past years, and it was the cause to lose its credibility, the audience and readers turned to independent media, and the distribution of newspapers and the ratios of watching the channels is a proof for the aforesaid.

However, the national media has been unaffected and on the same track, despite its failure to compete the independent one. Although these national media institutions are presumed to be public property of all Egyptians, not the property of the President of the Republic and the National Party as well as the government. Some national institutions, rather than modifying their track they became more stringent for the benefit of the regime. It severely attacks any attempt to account any businessmen of the National Democratic Party or the members of the people's assembly, who represent the NDP, you would find a specific newspaper, fiercely defending them.

Simply, the reason is that the daily newspapers, which suspects all the time in the sources of funding the independent press, while the source of funding it, is the most suspicious, because of two reasons, first the direct support given to it through the Shura Council which is basically taken from the people who are strayed by those newspaper. Secondly the support given by businessmen in the National Party who are seeking for fame and exploiting the national institutions to defend their personal interests and for the growth of their wealth at the expense of suppressed people.
As a living model, the distribution of a daily newspaper along with its weekly magazine is an evidence of failure and loss which is achieved through the yearly budget of the foundation as a result of distributing around a thousand copies only; most of these copies are from the

obligatory memberships of some governmental institutions. It is as an indicator and a natural result for the editorial policy which depicted the potentials of the institution to serve the prestigious Sultan and his entourage, and to attack any symbol of intellectuals, cultural, press and religious symbols simply because they just oppose the orientations of the Policies Committee of which is chaired by the President's son who has the superiority on the editors and the chef editors of the targeted newspapers, in addition to appointing them in the Shura Council.
It became that the people who naturally have interest in the national newspapers, their opinion or feelings are not considerable or respectable while defending Mamdouh Ismail, who killed more than one thousand Egyptian by his carelessness in Al-Salam ferry. Moreover Hisham Talaat Mustafa, who do badly to the reputation of the country by his irresponsible actions.

And many others, those who were involved in the invalid blood bags and those who monopolized iron and the importers of decayed wheat, Moreover the mafia who seize the territory of the country.

The Sick Media (formerly National Media) had been devoted to launch campaigns against the opponents of the system, yet uninterested in the national issues such as the gas export deal, which was justified on these newspapers, thing which frustrated the readers more than make them laugh on the triviality of these justifications. They did not even move a finger toward the crisis of fishermen who had been abducted in Somalia; they did not support their families or launch a campaign to collect contributions for the ransom.

Time has come to let those who are in charge for these newspapers know that they are paid from the pockets of Egyptian laborers, and that they do have neither popularity nor credit. They do not represent a civilized or cultural value. They only serve the system and there presence is linked with the presence of the system and they will end up to the ash heap of history, thing which is not regrettable.

Anwar Esmat Al-Sadat
Founders Representative of
Reform and Development Party
Tel: 24184919& Fax: 24184920


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