الاثنين، يونيو 20، 2016

El-Sadat constitutes a focus group to study the budget in line with Human Rights

Mr. Anwar El-Sadat, Chairperson of Human Rights Committee at the Parliament declared that he will constitute a focus group comprising members of the parliamentary Human Rights Committee. The group is supposed to set a vision of drafting and editing the budget. The vision has to focus on sufficiency of economic and social rights of the Egyptian citizens.

El- Sadat clarifies that this step is an attempt from the committee and its members to establish the economic and social rights of the citizens and to secure the minimum standard of human dignity in dealing with services provided by the governmental agencies. The focus group will convene meeting with experts and consultants in Human Rights, economics, public finance and planning. Further the group will target international institutions working for children, women and the disabled and any other marginalized group that needs public financial support.

El-Sadat highlights that Human Rights Committee is targeting developing standards to be taken by the government while drafting the budget. That will guarantee establishing human rights to weak, marginalized and deprived categories in the society. They deserve the minimum standard of rules guaranteeing their dignity. Mr. Sadat wishes that the government will abide by such standard while displaying the programs of the budget 2017-2018.

Mostafa Jibreel

Media Coordinator


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