Anwar El Sadat Welcomes Deterring the Houthis and Calls for Continuous Regional and International Cooperation to End Terrorism

Chairman of the "Reform and Development Party", Anwar El Sadat, welcomed the joint Arab strike against Houthis in Yemen, responding to the Yemeni President's request of external intervention. El Sadat called for extending military cooperation to eliminate terrorism in other terrorist hotspots in Libya and others, which constitute a threat to Arab security.

El Sadat affirmed that the Arab Summit currently held is a great opportunity to implement the idea of forming a unified Arab military force, able to face dangers and attempts to break up Arab States. Also, to set a political, cultural and economic strategy to overcome religious extremism and establish rule of law.

El Sadat clarified that deterring the Houthis maintains the legitimacy and stability of Yemen as well as the security of Egypt and the Gulf. He assured that now is the time to take advantage of the sense of Arab nationalism and for Arabs to declare themselves as an effective regional force.


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