الأحد، فبراير 22، 2015

Anwar El Sadat Demands the Formation of a Committee to Amend the Election Law in a Specific Time Frame if Constitutional Court Rules its Invalidity

Today, the names of candidates for the House of Representatives elections on coalition lists and individuals were announced. Still, everyone is waiting for the Constitutional Court's ruling on the validity of the election law on 25 February, which can postpone the elections process for several months.

In that regard, Anwar El Sadat, Chairman of the "Reform and Development" Party, affirmed that postponing the elections will not be in the favor of the government after actively forming electoral coalitions that serve specific purposes. Wondering if the coming days will hold a surprise for the future of those coalitions.

El Sadat expected that President Sisi's speech scheduled later today would carry certain inclinations to the public opinion on the continuation or delay of the parliamentary elections. He also confirmed judicial decisions should be respected, demanding that a committee should be formed in case the election law is deemed invalid to quickly amend it within a specific time scope, given the necessity of having a parliament representing Egyptians and practicing its legislative role stated in the constitution.

He finally added that during that process of amending the election law if needed, the opinions and views of political parties have to be taken into consideration rather than ignored, which initially led to this constitutional problem.


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