Anwar El-Sadat criticizes The World Bank representative for showing bias and touching on political aspects

Anwar El-Sadat "Head of Reform and Development Party" pointed out to the fact that D./Sahar Nasr, "senior finance expert at the World Bank for the Middle East and North Africa" did not show neutrality in her interview with Almasry alyoum newspaper on October 20 regarding the bank support to Egyptian projects on which she touched on political aspects that the bank shouldn't interfere in, especially when related to assessing governments and the effect of the presence or absence of the parliament on the projects carried out by the bank.

El-Sadat said that from D./Sahar Nasr statements it seems like she changes her performance and speech from a political regime to another and its assumed that the World Bank shows no changes in dealing with different political regimes, she also called on the Egyptian government to speed up the issuance of some laws while she knows that the bills must be agreed upon in presence of an elected parliament.

El-Sadat stressed the need to take into account the marginalized groups and farmers' problems and place them among the priorities of the government in negotiations with the World Bank in the next phase, not only concentrating support on projects adopted by presidency.


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