الثلاثاء، أغسطس 12، 2014

Anwar El-Sadat sends a message to the Arab kings and presidents and the Arab League

Anwar El-Sadat "Chairman of Reform and Development Party"

sent a message to Arab kings and presidents and to the secretary-general of the Arab League, regarding their conflicting positions, he stated: I wonder, like many others, what happened to the Arab joint defense agreement that was supposed to face the dangers threatening the Arab region? And where goes the huge expenditure on armament and the huge military budgets when we face threats like what's happening in Iraq, Syria or Libya .There is Arab silence and we even ask the Americans and NATO to come rescue us and then accuse them of intervening and using force and conspiracy against us, while we are the ones who begged for their help in the first place.

El-Sadat blamed the Arab kings and presidents saying that we always miss opportunities to establish peace and tolerance with ourselves and coexistence with our neighbors and we have succeeded in giving a negative image of Islam by our actions and attitudes. "Are there no wise men in the Arab region to stand against anyone trying to threaten us? Or we have to wait for a long time?" he wondered. 


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