For the sake of God and Egypt

I confirm that I was keen to speed up the completion of the new Constitution of Egypt so that the wheel of life would spin again and also to maintain the tenets of Sharia as well as the civil identity of Egypt since the days of its pharaonic, Coptic and Islamic eras.

I know that throughout the past five months there were sincere efforts exerted by all the members of the Constituent Assembly. Each used the principles, opinions and ideas he believes in to try to achieve the objectives of the revolution; freedom and justice and the aspirations of the Egyptian citizen, just so they can return to the people their inherent right to manage the affairs of their state and maintain its dignity.

But this constitution has to agree with all the categories and segments of the society and it can never be issued under threats, blackmails or slogans that seek nothing but to address a revolutionary state or a religious passion. That is why I declare freezing my membership and my withdrawal from attending meetings of the Assembly until there is a response to all the demands of the national forces and representatives of churches and the Technical Advisory Committee who declared their withdrawal earlier.

These demands are not really that muchand the management of the Assembly with all its members (representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists) can respond to them if there is goodwill, which I trust will happen in the end, God willing.

 May God help us all to the good of our beloved Egypt.

Anwar El Sadat


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