Liberty Victims Support Network (LVSN)

Establishment Statement!/pages/shbkt-dm-dhaya-alhryt/109949432416349

After the masses of the Egyptian Youth came out to dispute the autocratic rule, which lasted for thirty years, they believed in their principles and legitimate demands. They faced with courage all forms of repression and terror exercised by the Egyptian government by killing, injuring, arresting and misleading the public opinion. The Egyptian Youth could bravely with unprecedented audacity to overthrow the regime of President Hosni Mubarak to step down.

But the victory was not an easy thing and it took place over the blood of our martyrs and the tears of the injured and their families in homes and hospitals.

So, based on the role of the Egyptian society in developing and building societies, it was decided to establish a network of association to support the victims of liberty, which is a coalition, composed of 7 NGOs in seven different provinces. The network operates to support and compensate the victims of the revolution in various forms, to complete their treatment at home or abroad by self-help and community participation in cooperation with Revolution Youth Union and other youth movements participated in the 25th of January revolution .

Therefore the network calls for those who has any information on cases which need urgent therapeutic intervention, please contact us the following e-mail:

Network Member till 12-2-2011
1. Association of Public Social Services - Giza

2. Jazira Association - Alexandria

3. Community Development Association - Dakahlia

4. Al-Eman Association for Development - Suez

5. Community Development Association Balouza - North Sinai

6. Association for Human Rights Development - Wadi El-Gaded (New Valley)

7. El-Sadat Association for Development and Social Welfare - Menofia

We seek your help and contribution, either in-kind or financial contributions.
For more information, please contact Dr. Abdullah Helmy "Network Coordinator" Mobile: 0101506771, E-mail:


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