الخميس، يونيو 27، 2013

El Sadat: Morsi's Speech Was Nonsense

Anwar El-Sadat, Chairman of the Reform and Development Party, described the speech of President Muhammad Morsy as being a tragic comedy that indicates that Egypt is in the hands of a group of amateurs who do not know anything about how to manage the state, how to assess the current situation, or how to face reality through setting plans, programs and mechanisms for implementation. Randomness seems to be the main feature of the President and his group in dealing with any crisis .

El-Sadat confirmed that the speech did not meet the minimum demands of the Egyptian people, and the decisions taken by the President are all decisions that do not befit the revolutionary state and the anger of the people. He denounced the repeated threat of the president to the opposition, the media, and all those who criticize him. He also pointed to the apparent contradiction between the president's talk about the media and the judges and his talk about freedoms, the rule of law and democracy that was gained in the January-25 revolution.

El-Sadat pointed out that the President exerted much effort to justify his mistakes without allowing us to see how these mistakes will be corrected. It seems that the pulse of the Egyptian street has not yet reached him so he came up with this absurd and tattered speech proving that Egypt is much greater than to be governed by those who do not know the minimum about the rules of the political game because they were not qualified for these positions and they never imagined that they will stand in this position one day. It's like they were surprised to find themselves rulers and officials all of a sudden! It has become so clear now that their departure from the scene is the only solution that we can visualize or aspire for.

Mostafa Jibreel
Media Coordinator


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