High level meetings in Germany

Within the visit of Anwar Esmat El-Sadat, Founders Representative of RDP, and a number of party candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections 2010, the party's delegation met with the Ambassador of Egypt in Germany, Ramzi Ezz al-Din Ramzi and the Minister of the Interior Affairs in Germany, accompanied by the former president of the electoral law and parties, in the branch of the ministry in Berlin. The main discussion was about the election and the important role of women in the German/ Egyptian politics and how to avoid the fraud which happens during the election. Another meeting was held with the adviser of the Minister of Agriculture, officials of environmental protection of nuclear and European security and the head of the German Democratic parties. During this meeting a dialogue took place which was on the ways to stimulate peace in the Middle East and the Egyptian role re this situation and to have the Arabic solidarity to end the Palestinian problem. The buildings of the German Foreign Ministry as well as the building of Willy Brandt House were also visited. A dialogue ran on German relations and the ways of strengthening it. The light was shed on how to manage a successful electoral campaign through modern media by giving a detailed explanation from a member of SPD and the officials of digital media in Germany. Brigitte Azmi has praised the German electoral system in terms of equality in dealing with women and men through the German parliament and hold elections in an atmosphere of fairness and transparency. Rana Farouk had expressed her admiration for this round and that she took advantage on the political level and that she is inspired by this visit as it will influence her election program.


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